Spirits Distributor Warehouse and Office Facility

A large spirits distributor in the Detroit area was concerned about lead, copper, and bacteria in their municipal drinking water. To provide drinking water to their employees, the company installed water coolers and purchased 5-gallon carboys of water. This required a significant amount of handling of large and unruly 40 lb containers of water. The customer contacted American Aqua to find a better way. American Aqua proposed a water purification system that included carbon filtration, softener, reverse osmosis, UV disinfection, and POU coolers. This eliminates all handling of 5-gallon carboys and provides purified water on demand. It also saves our client thousands of dollars every year.

Interested in a Commercial or Industrial Water Project?

Our team couples their industry expertise with the latest in water treatment technology to design and implement custom solutions for any commercial and industrial application. Please reach out to our team about your business needs and we will get back to you with next steps. Depending on your project, the next step will be a more in-depth conversation about your needs, followed by a custom proposal.

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